Fersah Shipping

Port Of Trabzon


Trabzon Port

The administrative boundaries of Trabzon Harbour Light's nose in the east of the west toe of Narlık takes place within the area. Undoubtedly the most important feature that separates cities near Trabzon, the position of the harbor with a large presence of centuries-old history.


Gate of the Silk Road in Anatolia: Trabzon


Ranging from the historic Silk Road from China to Europe, reached via Trabzon in Anatolia for centuries. Not only in the tens of thousands of kilometers of Trabzon on a trade route was one of the most important centers throughout history. Trabzon Port, Iran, Iraq, Middle East and Asian countries, such as between Europe and Syria, with its strategic location between Russia and the Eastern Anatolia region is at the heart of trade. This position offers a great advantage to Trabzon Port.


Port of Trabzon is continuously growing since 2003 ...


The port of Trabzon, since inception in 2003 to operate as Alport by Albayrak Group invested a total of $ 16 million. At first 100-ton mobile crane machines, machine park added 30 new jobs. Port lengths and depths increased. Trabzon Port, after the privatization of both the expansion and modernization of trade in a very simplified and sped up studies.


International trade in Trabzon Port shortens


Took place between Iran and the European trade takes place through the port of Trabzon, the Arabian peninsula than 25 days shorter than the realization of travels. Big business is gaining momentum.